Things from my history...

Ah, now this was when I was living in a shared house at Alexandra Road. The owners put it up for sale for £125,000. I passed up the opportunity of buying it. Wish I'd bought it. I'd almost most be a millionaire by now!


Postcard from my old school friend James.


The survey for Belvoir Road:


Notes while I was looking for a house before buying Belvoir Road:


I had a big barbecue at Alexandra road. Lots of people from Open World and lots of my friends came. We lit flares in the garden. I chopped down a lot of foliage in preparation. Emma was very angry that I'd cut down a particular plant. Saying, 'that plant was the only reason I moved into this house!', and 'are you going to concrete over the garden next?'.


I loved playing this. Or rather I spent more time looking forward to playing it! I got it when I was in the 4th / 5th year at Dauntsey's.


Lots of various tapes...
