Hello Again Jaeger

Through a great green front door, thick with decades of layers of paint. Up ancient, rickety, Dickensian stairs in the gloom, each step yielding a creak. Then into the apartment looking out onto the Loire in the dazzling sun.

I've renewed my friendship with the black Labrador called Jaeger at …

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Police Commissioner Elections

Just remembered to vote in the Police Commissioner elections. My area is Avon and Somerset and my vote was:

Kerry Barker (Labour)
Chris Briton (Green)

I voted Barker because of his policy of helmet mounted cameras, and Briton for his drug decriminalisation stance.

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UK Budget 2016

Looking at the main points of the UK 2016 budget, I'm pleased that the Chancellor is cutting spending, but I'm not happy about where he's cutting it. Here are some comments on the specific items:

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An Anarchy Of Nations

Walking through Green Park Station in Bath, a man from the Leave the EU campaign saw me and proffered a leaflet. I said that I was in favour of remaining in the EU. He asked why and I explained that at the European level we've got democracy at the moment …

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Trailing slashes

According to RFC 3986 the following two URLs are not necessarily equivalent:

But most users would think the two were equivalent. What's to be done? I think the RFC should have said that the first should be normalized …

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Dear Ben Howlet, please vote against the bombing of Syria

Here's the letter I sent to my MP Ben Howlett:

Dear Ben Howlett,

I am writing to urge you to vote against the bombing of Syria.

The onus is on those making the case for military action to show that it will do more good than harm. In my view …

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Will The Future Workplace Still Need You?

My friend Kazim Ladimeji has written a book called Will The Future Workplace Still Need You?, which I've just finished reading. As he says, this isn't a book of philosophical speculation, but a practical guide on what action the individual should take to avoid being replaced by a robot. The …

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Second one to go kaput in six months!

Second one to go kaput in six months!

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Broken Laptop

My laptop was under a beanbag and I trod on it and broke the screen:

Broken Laptop

I've ordered one of these.

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