The Infinite Book

John Barrow introduced me to Thompson's Lamp in his The Infinite Book, and I've been asking everyone I meet about it.

Katherine said, 'It's a divergent infinite series, so the question doesn't have an answer'. I was impressed!

My brother and Jonathan both came up with practical objections, my brother saying, 'You'd fuse the light!'.

Bill said, 'You can't do an infinite number of things in a finite time, so it could never happen'.

[[]{style="font-style: italic;"}Correction from bill[: '.....if time is infinitely divisible, then you never reach the end point (1 minute), so the issues never arises. ......']]{style="font-style: italic;"}

My answer was to say that the universe is digital, so there aren't an infinite number of states the universe can be in.

What do you think?

Btw, the rest of the book is equally thought provoking. Recommended. Interesting parallels with Freedom Evolves.