Who I'm Voting For

Normally I read all the manifestos before voting, but this time I don't feel the need. Here's my summary of the parties:


Gordon Brown has made it clear that to get Britain's economy on its feet he'd continue wildly taxing and spending. I disagree with Brown, and agree with the Conservatives that we need to pay off our debt. I think this is such an important difference that I find myself unable to vote Labour.


I think it's fantastic that they're against raising the National Insurance tax, I'm all for stopping taxing the poor. I also support their economic policy of cutting public spending, and reducing the debt as quickly as possible. I'm appalled by the Tory EU euro-phobia. Why can't they all be like Ken Clarke?

Liberal Democrats

I really like the Lib Dem policy of raising income tax threshold. I wish they'd go further and stop taxing the poor entirely. Electoral reform is a key aim of the Lib Dems, as it is for me. I'm in favour of range voting. I'm a euro-federalist, I want a united states of Europe as a step on the way to a world government!

What a shame that my exchange with Trevor Carbin revealed the liberal democrats to have some economically illiterate policies.


Labour: Fiscal incontinence. Conservatives: First past the post europhobes. Lib Dems: Better tax system, electoral reform, europhiles.

So on Thursday I'll be voting Liberal Democrat.